Make your yoga studio's experience better with Yoga studio software's exclusive yoga member app

Yoga studio software with mobile app built Exclusively for Yoga Studios

Connect, engage, retain members

Offer memberships, packages, products, and classes online 24/7

By having the app on their phones, your members gain more control over their fitness journey. This level of access fosters member engagement, and increase their spending.
Yoga studio software offering Memberships on Mobile App
Offer 24/7 online access for members
yoga studio software staff mobile app boosting staff efficiency
Achieve operational excellence with our app
Boost your staff efficiency

Enable your staff to book classes, sell memberships and packages from one single app

This connectivity ensures they are constantly informed and equipped to perform their jobs with enhanced efficiency, ultimately benefiting your yoga studio.
Yoga studio software with mobile app for effective user experience

Yoga studio software mobile app offers easy mobile connectivity. Members and staff can connect with your studio at every touchpoint, whether it's booking sessions, checking in with QR codes, making automated payments, or scheduling classes. Yoga studio software's mobile experience results in greater satisfaction and rewards.

Yoga Studio Software With Branded App

Create a branded mobile app that reflects the unique identity of your yoga studio

With a custom yoga app, you can strengthen your brand presence, enhance member engagement, and create a distinctive experience for your yoga community.
Wellyx yoga studio software with Branded mobile app
Express your brand identity
Yoga Studio Software with keyless entry using member app
From convenience to confidence
Secure mobile enabled access

Enable your members to conveniently access your studio through the yoga app

This keyless entry feature gives your members the freedom to enter your studio when and how they want, enhancing their experience and providing a secure and streamlined access control solution.
Wellyx Yoga Studio Software Customer Feedback Yoga Balance

Wellyx has been a game-changer for our studio. Since implementing their management software, we have seen a significant improvement in member response and engagement. The automated features, such as class reminders and personalized communication, have helped us stay connected with our members effortlessly. Additionally, the intuitive scheduling and booking system has streamlined our operations, allowing us to manage our studio more efficiently. Thanks to Wellyx, we have experienced tremendous growth and have been able to provide a better experience for our members.

Sarah Brown


Here’s what you can expect in the demo:

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