Discover the gateway to success with our yoga membership software

Yoga membership software with memberships built Exclusively for Yoga Studios

Personalized Memberships & Packages

Experience the flexibility and convenience of customizing your services

No more one-size-fits-all approach. Delight your members with personalized experiences through our yoga membership software that keeps them coming back for more.

Yoga studio software personalized for memberships
Create what suits your members
yoga studio software for flexible payment plans
Select the payment method of your choice
Flexible Payment Plans

Offer flexible payment options to your members with our yoga membership software

From monthly plans to class passes, give your members the freedom to choose what works best for them and watch their commitment soar.
Yoga Studio Software for optimizing membership management

Streamline and tailor your studio's memberships with yoga membership management software. Our e-platform empowers you to craft bespoke memberships and packages, effortlessly automate recurring payments, and revel in the countless advantages it offers.

Unlimited Benefits

Integrate class bookings, studio products, and services into one streamlined platform

With easy access and endless benefits at their fingertips, your yoga studio members will be inspired to deepen their practice and stay attached to your studio.

Yoga studio software for effortlessly managing yoga class memberships
Unlimited benefits for unparalleled satisfaction
Yoga studio software for tracking and optimizing yoga management
Manage your data through centralized platform
Easy Data Management

Our dashboard and reports provide you with insights to optimize your yoga studio's performance

Efficiently track member activity, monitor payments, and make data-driven decisions that propel your yoga studio forward. Let go of the administrative burdens and focus on what truly matters – fostering a vibrant yoga community.
Wellyx Yoga Studio Software Customer Feedback Holistic Yoga

Wellyx has transformed the way I operate my yoga studio. They have made billing and invoicing simple and efficient. I am impressed with the level of customer support provided by the Wellyx team. They are always available to address any concerns or questions promptly.

Michael Turner


Frequently Asked Questions

Using yoga membership  software, you get the flexibility to offer recurring payment options for memberships, making it convenient for members to pay on a monthly or recurring basis. Furthermore, you can configure upfront payment options for packages or long-term memberships, allowing members to pay in advance.

With yoga membership software, you can easily implement time-based access control by assigning specific time slots or hours to different membership types. This feature ensures efficient facility usage and enables you to provide a personalized experience for your members.

Some options for added benefits include exclusive classes, discounted rates on services or products, guest passes, referral incentives, and more.
Accessing accurate member data with our centralized system becomes effortless, allowing for streamlined membership management and personalized member interactions.

Yoga membership software provides automated membership renewal reminders, allowing members to receive timely notifications before their memberships expire. This feature ensures members stay informed and can renew their memberships promptly.

Here’s what you can expect in the demo:

Book a personalized yoga studio software demo!

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