With the evolving technology in workplaces and homes, there is a growing emphasis on comprehensive approaches to personal well-being. This shift brings positive implications for businesses such as yoga studios.

However, the surge in the number of people enrolling for sessions can overwhelm routine administrative tasks, negatively impacting service quality. To address this challenge, the best yoga studio software offers a solution by streamlining these tasks, allowing studios to prioritize enhancing their clients’ session experience.

While numerous management software options are available in the market, choosing the right one is crucial. Not every software is designed equally, as they may vary significantly in the features they offer. Therefore, it is always vital for you to carefully consider your studio’s specific needs to find the software that best aligns with your goals.

This buyer’s guide will highlight important aspects you should know and consider when evaluating the available options on the market.

What is yoga studio software?

A yoga studio software is an essential business platform that efficiently handles various aspects of operating a yoga studio. It offers a comprehensive solution for managing payments, member information, scheduling, and marketing, all in one place.

By automating administrative tasks, yoga studio software ensures that sessions run smoothly. This powerful tool enables studio owners to effectively manage their daily tasks and provide members with exceptional service.

Implementing yoga management software is undoubtedly the optimal approach to organizing your business and effectively tracking members, staff, and other business roles. These software solutions facilitate seamless booking and keep your business thriving by leveraging online resources such as online booking and management.

Additionally, they empower you to sell your products and services online, reaching customers everywhere and at any time.

Deployment options available

There are two deployment options for yoga software: cloud-based and on-premise.

Cloud-based deployment

Cloud-based deployment involves hosting your data on the vendor’s servers, providing access to the solution through web browsers and potentially a mobile app. Typically, these tools are priced monthly or annually, depending on the number of users.

On-premise deployment

On-premise deployment, on the other hand, involves hosting your data on your own servers. This option requires investing in network equipment and servers. The tools for on-premise deployment are usually acquired through a one-time license purchase.

Which deployment option is better?

When it comes to choosing the right solution, cloud-based systems emerge as the clear winner for several compelling reasons. 

Hassle-free hosting and maintenance

With cloud-based deployment, the software vendor takes care of hosting and upkeep. You no longer need to worry about purchasing servers or network equipment. This eliminates the need to hire additional IT staff to maintain the solution, saving you time and resources.


Cloud-based tools offer excellent scalability. You can easily add or remove users and additional functions by upgrading or downgrading your subscription. This flexibility allows your yoga business software to adapt to your evolving needs without any major disruptions.


Such solutions provide accessibility from any location with an internet connection. You can access your yoga studio software and manage your business operations using web browsers and compatible mobile apps. This convenience enables you to stay connected and productive whether you’re at the studio, at home, or on the go.

Enhanced security

Cloud-based systems often come with robust security measures implemented by the software vendor. They invest in state-of-the-art security protocols, including data encryption and regular backups, to protect your valuable information. This helps safeguard your yoga studio’s data against potential breaches or losses.


Opting for a cloud-based solution can be cost-effective in the long run. Instead of a significant upfront investment for on-premise deployment, you can subscribe to the software monthly or annually. This approach allows for predictable budgeting and reduces the financial burden of acquiring and maintaining physical infrastructure.

Considering the numerous advantages, it’s evident that cloud-based deployment is the recommended choice for yoga software. It offers easy hosting and maintenance, scalability, accessibility, enhanced security, and cost-effectiveness.

By leveraging cloud technology, you can streamline your operations, focus on your core business, and provide a seamless experience to your yoga studio staff and clients.

Some common features to consider

Features to consider for yoga studio software

Once you’ve evaluated the deployment options available, the next crucial step is to familiarize yourself with the common features of yoga management software. Understanding these features will enable you to narrow your options and select a system that caters to your studio’s requirements. Let’s delve into some of the key features typically found in management software:

Memberships management

Efficient management of memberships is essential for any yoga studio. Find software for yoga business that allows you to create, modify, and track memberships easily. This feature lets you set up different membership tiers, manage renewals and cancellations, and monitor member attendance.

Lead management

To grow your studio, you need effective lead management tools. Look for software that helps you capture and organize leads, allowing you to track inquiries, follow up with potential clients, and convert leads into paying members.

Reporting and analyses

Data-driven insights are invaluable when it comes to making informed business decisions. Find software that provides robust reporting and analysis features, enabling you to track key metrics such as attendance, revenue, and member retention. These reports can guide you in identifying trends, optimizing class schedules, and maximizing profitability.

Marketing features

A comprehensive yoga studio software should offer marketing tools to help you attract and retain clients. Look for features like email marketing, customer segmentation, and automated communication, which allow you to engage with your members and promote your services effectively.

Access control management

Secure access control is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your studio. Look for software that provides keyless entry systems, Bluetooth, or RFID technology, ensuring only authorized individuals can enter the premises.

Online booking and scheduling

In today’s digital age, online booking and scheduling capabilities are essential for providing convenience to your members. Find the best booking software for yoga studios, allowing members to easily reserve classes, workshops, or private sessions from any device.

Inventory tracking

Inventory tracking becomes vital if your studio sells retail items or manages equipment rentals. Look for software that enables you to keep track of stock levels, manage purchases, and generate reports on product performance.

Waiting list management

Classes often fill up quickly, leaving some members on a waiting list. Find the right yoga waitlist management system, allowing you to fill out cancellations and notify members when spots become available automatically.


Efficient scheduling is crucial for optimizing your studio’s resources. Look scheduling software yoga solution that provides a robust scheduling tool, enabling you to easily create and manage class schedules, allocate instructors, and avoid conflicts or overbooking.

Point of sale integration

If you offer retail products or sell additional services, seamless integration with a point of sale (POS) system is essential. Look for software that integrates with popular POS solutions, allowing you to process payments efficiently and maintain accurate transaction records.

Considering these common features of yoga studio software, you can confidently evaluate different options and select a solution that aligns with your studio’s needs and goals. Remember to prioritize features most relevant to your operations and empower you to streamline management processes, enhance member experiences, and drive business growth.

Software purchase process

Process to purchase yoga software

Different yoga studio software providers cater to different segments of the market. Some specialize in assisting start-ups and individual yoga teachers, while others focus on supporting small and mid-sized yoga studios. Moreover, certain software providers also target larger yoga studios and franchises, serving the upper end of the market. 

Selecting the right yoga studio software is a critical decision that can greatly impact the efficiency and success of your business. By conducting thorough research and considering your specific needs, you can confidently navigate the software purchase process and find a solution that enhances your studio’s operations. Here is a compressive process that can assist you in making the right choice for your business.

Assess your business needs and growth potential

Before delving into the realm of yoga studio management software, it’s crucial to have a realistic understanding of your current business stage and a clear plan for your desired growth potential. By aligning your goals with the available software options, you can effectively shortlist the yoga studio software companies that cater to your specific needs.

Research and shortlist

Begin your search by exploring online resources, reading reviews, and seeking recommendations from other yoga studios. This initial phase will allow you to identify 2-3 yoga studio software companies that are well-suited for your yoga business.

Schedule free trials and demos

Once you have shortlisted the software platforms that align with your requirements, it’s time to schedule free trials and demos. By engaging in these trials and demos, you can gain firsthand experience with the software and evaluate its suitability for your studio.

Make an informed purchase

Once you clearly understand your requirements and have tested the software through trials and demos, you can confidently proceed with the purchase process. A thorough knowledge of the software’s features and benefits will enable you to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

Negotiate pricing and terms

While most software providers have fixed pricing, it’s worth noting that you can often secure discounts simply by asking. During this stage, it is essential to engage in negotiations to ensure you are receiving the best possible pricing and favorable terms for your yoga studio.

How much should the yoga software cost?

Determining the cost of a yoga studio app is essential for studio owners seeking to optimize their operations and enhance their members’ experience. Comprehensive analysis reveals that the pricing for such apps generally falls between $30 and $500 per month. However, it is important to note that the final cost depends on various factors, including the features you choose to implement and the size of your studio in terms of teachers and customers.

Consideration of hidden and transaction fees

When evaluating the cost of yoga software, it is crucial to be aware of potential hidden or transaction fees imposed by software providers. These additional charges can significantly impact your monthly expenses, sometimes increasing them by up to 10%. It is, therefore, advisable to thoroughly examine the pricing structure and identify any bundled transaction and processing fees.

The disadvantages of percentage-based transaction fees

Among the fees to be cautious of are those that are calculated as a percentage of each transaction. It is prudent to avoid companies that adopt this pricing model. While such fees may seem inconspicuous at first glance, they can substantially impact your overall expenses.

In fact, it has been observed that per-transaction fees often account for a significant portion, ranging from 30% to 40%, of the total revenue generated by software providers.

Optimizing your investment

To ensure that you make an informed decision and optimize your investment, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate the pricing structures of different yoga management software providers. You can make a financially sound choice by identifying the specific features that align with your studio’s needs and carefully considering any additional fees.

Top 10 best yoga studio software for 2023

In the market, you’ll find various yoga management software options, each offering its features and advantages.

Here are some of the top choices:

  • Wellyx Yoga Studio Software
  • Mindbody
  • Wellness Living
  • Momoyoga
  • Ubindi
  • Zenplanner
  • Acuity Scheduling
  • Tula Software
  • Team Up
  • Vagaro

These software solutions are designed to assist yoga studios, and instructors in managing their schedules, classes, payments, and client information efficiently. Let’s take a closer look at these options and what sets them apart from the rest.

1. Wellyx Yoga Studio Software

Wellyx Yoga

When it comes to yoga studio software, Wellyx Yoga studio software is the ultimate choice, offering an array of features, unparalleled support, and competitive pricing. With a strong focus on serving yoga studios, this platform has continuously evolved by introducing innovative features and now stands on par with the industry’s leading platforms.

One of the standout advantages of partnering with Wellyx Yoga studio software is the exceptional support and personalized attention you’ll receive. Their responsive team ensures that you receive prompt replies, often within minutes, and actively incorporates your feedback into their feature development process. Furthermore, you can work directly with the founders, ensuring a personalized and tailored experience.

Wellyx Yoga studio software is a fully bootstrapped company that has neither pursued nor intends to pursue venture funding. This deliberate approach allows them to be selective in their partnerships, prioritizing the needs of their customers above all else.

Their commitment to this vision is further solidified by their guarantee of no price increases, which they can confidently deliver due to their 100% business ownership. With a founding team boasting extensive experience and expertise in working with yoga studios, Wellyx Yoga studio software has experienced exponential growth over the past year, making it a must-see platform for a demo.


  • Simple pricing structure designed for yoga studio owners.
  • No hidden fees or transaction/processing fees.
  • Fixed price guarantee, no price increases to current customers.
  • Packages:

Excel package: $119.00/month.

Exceed package: $199.00/month.

Ultimate package: $299.00/month.

  • 20% discount for annual payments.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • Highly configurable nature to meet the unique needs of yoga studios.
  • A comprehensive set of features tailored to the yoga industry.
  • Unparalleled branding capabilities for creating a solid brand presence.
  • Customizable platform to match unique brand identity.
  • Exceptional support team with lightning-fast response times.
  • Commitment to maintaining exceptional support standards.
  • Rapidly gaining ground in the industry.
  • Customers are switching from incumbent software providers.
  • Feature-rich platform.
  • Competitive pricing.
  • Poised to revolutionize yoga studio management experience.

2. Mindbody

MindBody Online

Mindbody is highly popular and widely utilized by thousands of yoga studios worldwide. It emerged as one of the pioneers in cloud-based yoga studio software during the early 2000s. Typically, yoga studio owners become acquainted with Mindbody through their own studios or through recommendations from others.

While several competitors have attempted to challenge Mindbody’s dominance over the years, none have come close to matching the platform’s versatility.

However, in recent times, Mindbody has undergone multiple changes in ownership, leading to a common complaint that the platform has become cumbersome, challenging to navigate, and plagued with bugs. Moreover, there has been a noticeable mass exodus of customers from Mindbody, primarily driven by the significant increase in pricing.

In 2013, the average price for the platform stood at $120 per month. Today, customers are paying over $400 per month for similar features with minimal innovation.

Mindbody offers a comprehensive range of features necessary for operating a yoga studio. If you are comfortable using a bulky platform and willing to pay steep monthly prices, Mindbody won’t disappoint you.

One of the most significant advantages of Mindbody is its community. Overall, if you prefer to stick with a well-established option and have a generous budget for yoga software, Mindbody is a safe bet. The software is challenging to use, lacking a modern look and feel. Nevertheless, they have made improvements to the customer-facing pages.


The pricing for Mindbody’s services frequently changes. At the time of writing, the pricing structure is as follows:

  • Different pricing tiers are available based on your required features and the number of locations.
  • The pricing ranges from $159 to over $700 monthly, depending on your feature preferences.
  • It’s also important to note that Mindbody employs its own payment processing system, so exploring the associated processing fees is essential.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • Most widely used yoga studio software platform in the market.
  • Offers a comprehensive platform equipped with every feature you’ll ever need.
  • Provides the most extensive reporting capabilities available in the market.

3. Wellness Living

Wellness Living

Wellness Living, once a strong competitor of Mindbody, has become a widely used platform in the yoga studio industry. However, it falls behind other platforms in terms of features, usability, and providing a modern customer experience. Despite its shortcomings, Wellness Living does offer some valuable features and benefits for yoga studio owners.

However, there are some user complaints and limitations associated with Wellness Living. Legacy users often express dissatisfaction as the platform fails to honor its fixed price commitment.

Furthermore, users report being sold features they don’t actually need, which can be frustrating. Exiting contracts with Wellness Living can also be quite challenging, regardless of the reason for termination.

When it comes to interface and user experience, Wellness Living is considered an old-school provider with a dated user interface. Despite its popularity, it falls behind in terms of modernity. However, its affordability compared to Mindbody may still appeal to some studio owners, particularly those prioritizing cost-effective solutions.


  • Pricing for Wellness Living depends on the number of features you require.
  • While the base plan appears affordable, it may not cover all the necessary functionalities for your entire studio operations.
  • Prices start at $89/month per location and can increase to $200-$300/month, depending on your chosen features.
  • Keep in mind that Wellness Living has its own payment processor, so be sure to investigate any associated processing fees.
  • Premium features like on-demand video and website management are available as add-ons.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • Widely adopted by thousands of yoga studios worldwide, indicating its popularity and industry trust.
  • Offers an extensive feature set that caters to diverse studio needs, making it a reliable choice.
  • Provides affordable pricing options suitable for studios of all sizes.

4. Momoyoga


Momoyoga stands out as it delivers on its promises. This platform clearly caters to yoga teachers and fulfills that commitment with ease of use. The user experience is delightful, making it a joy to navigate. However, if you manage a studio with multiple teachers and complex requirements, looking for other options would be more suitable for you. Momoyoga is better suited for individual yoga teachers and very small studios, lacking the necessary features for larger operations.

What sets Momoyoga apart is its exceptional execution of user experience. The platform is simple and user-friendly, leaving no room for confusion. Nonetheless, this simplicity comes at the expense of advanced functionalities.

Despite its establishment in 2016, Momoyoga consciously maintains a lean and uncomplicated platform, focusing primarily on scheduling and payments. As an individual yoga teacher seeking software, Momoyoga would be a suitable choice. However, the absence of critical features may not be the best fit for studio owners.


  • Momoyoga offers a free tier but imposes a 5% fee on every transaction.
  • For individual yoga teachers, the monthly pricing starts at $25.
  • Studios can expect pricing to start at $30 per month, with an additional $5 per month for each additional teacher account.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • One of the few platforms that prioritize yoga teachers over yoga studios.
  • The platform boasts a beautiful design that enhances the overall user experience.
  • Momoyoga supports multiple languages, accommodating a diverse user base.
  • It offers various payment methods, including Paypal, ensuring convenience for both teachers and students.
  • For yoga teachers at the beginning of their careers, Momoyoga provides an affordable platform to support their growth.

5. Ubindi


Ubindi deserves more attention as a hidden gem in the yoga software market. It is specifically designed for yoga teachers, catering less to yoga studios. This is advantageous because many yoga teachers invest in expensive and cumbersome studio software they don’t need.

If you are an individual yoga teacher without plans to run a large studio or if you’re just starting out, Ubindi and Momoyoga should be your top choices.

What sets Ubindi apart is the active business basics course offered on Udemy for yoga teachers. Both their free and essential tiers take a percentage of your sales. This software is perfect for individuals and yoga teachers. It provides sufficient features to get you started and is user-friendly and lightweight. When starting out, you don’t need anything more complex than that.


Ubindi offers three pricing tiers:

  • Free tier: Manage up to 50 students, but a 5% platform fee is deducted from your revenues.
  • Essential tier: Costs $8 per month, allowing you to manage unlimited customers with a 2% revenue deduction.
  • Pro tier: Priced at $69 per month, it provides unlimited usage and no platform fees.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • Ubindi is one of the few platforms explicitly designed for independent yoga teachers.
  • The platform understands its target audience and maintains a focused approach.
  • It offers an affordable, simple, and easy-to-use interface for teachers.

6. Zenplanner

Zen Planner

Zenplanner, a member of the Daxko group alongside fitness platforms like SugarWOD and Uplaunch, has recently undergone a much-needed facelift, resulting in an improved user interface. While it offers a decent experience, it primarily caters to gyms rather than yoga studios. 

With its primary focus on the fitness industry, Zen Planner ranks lower on recommended options for yoga studio management.

However, it provides essential features for operating a yoga studio and can be considered an alternative if Mindbody’s pricing exceeds your budget. One notable advantage of Zen Planner is its comprehensive staff payment module.


  • When considering Zen Planner, it’s important to know its tiered pricing structure based on the number of active customers you have. 
  • For up to 15 customers, the monthly price is $49.
  • If you have over 250 customers, the monthly price rises to $267.
  • Zen Planner utilizes its own payment processor, and hidden fees associated with payment processing can sometimes amount to as much as 30% of its revenue.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • It is popular among fitness industry professionals and includes relevant features that yoga studios widely use.
  • At the lower end of its pricing tiers, Zen Planner offers affordability for those on a tighter budget.
  • It provides a comprehensive suite of solutions encompassing studio management, CRM capabilities, and personal training software.

7. Acuity Scheduling


When individuals, such as yoga teachers looking to offer a few weekly classes as a side gig are concerned, Acuity Scheduling may be the best option for them. Acuity provides a straightforward and lightweight platform that fulfills the scheduling needs of most yoga teachers.

While it may lack advanced features like staff payroll, flash sales, or branding capabilities, Acuity is an excellent choice for those who are just starting out and don’t yet have a physical studio. It offers the essential features required, including basic scheduling, payment options (including recurring payments), and appointment management.

An added advantage of Acuity Scheduling is its association with Squarespace. If you already use Squarespace for your website, the scheduling module is often included in the package, saving you from additional expenses.


The pricing structure of Acuity Scheduling is determined by factors such as the number of staff accounts, locations, and features you require. 

  • The lowest tier costs $20 per month and allows for one staff member and location. This tier is particularly suitable for beginners in the field.
  • The middle tier, priced at $36 per month, offers additional features like SMS notifications and removes the Acuity branding.
  • At the highest price tier of $61 per month, you gain access to all features and manage up to 36 staff members and locations.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • It serves as a simple and user-friendly scheduling platform, providing the necessary functionality without overwhelming complexity.
  • The pricing options are affordable, especially for individual yoga instructors with budget constraints.

8. Tula Software


Established in 2011, Tula Software has gained popularity among its users and is particularly favored by independent yoga studios. This platform was designed with a strong focus on user-friendliness, encompassing a wide range of functions such as class scheduling, student registration, attendance tracking, and payments.

While Tula’s current customers appreciate the platform’s public calendar view, it should be noted that the design appears somewhat dated. Nevertheless, Tula remains an excellent choice for small to medium-sized yoga studios.

It seamlessly integrates with renowned payment processors like Stripe and PayPal, and its extensive tenure in the market of over 10 years ensures that it possesses the essential features expected from a yoga studio scheduling software.

Although Tula receives high customer praise, it may not be the most suitable option for larger studios or franchises. Additionally, if you require advanced features beyond the fundamental offerings, you might find Tula somewhat limited in that regard.


  • Base Plan: $129/month, with additional charges for add-ons such as electronic waivers, storage, and the sub-feature finder.
  • Premium Plan: Costs $179 per month and includes all available features.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • Tailored specifically for yoga studios.
  • Demonstrates strong loyalty from its customer base.

9. TeamUp

Team Up

TeamUp is a versatile management platform designed to assist fitness and wellness businesses with their management needs. Initially established in 2012, it was later acquired by DaySmart Software in late 2022. This acquisition has sparked uncertainty among existing TeamUp customers and new users alike. Notably, the pricing has significantly increased since the purchase, and it is likely to continue rising to align with industry leaders like Mindbody.

TeamUp primarily caters to fitness and wellness businesses such as gyms, fitness studios, CrossFit boxes, personal trainers, and wellness centers. While it aims to serve yoga studios as well, it is important to note that yoga studios are not the platform’s primary focus. Therefore, yoga studios may prefer a more specialized platform tailored specifically to their unique needs.

TeamUp offers a range of key features that enhance its overall appeal to businesses. These features include class scheduling, membership management, payment processing, online booking, and reporting capabilities. It is worth mentioning that TeamUp stands out by providing integration with GoCardless, a platform widely used for direct debit payments in the UK.

Considering that most of TeamUp’s customers are based in the UK, it can be a viable option for yoga studios in the UK requiring direct debit payment integration. However, it is crucial to assess whether the platform adequately addresses the specific needs of yoga studios, as there may be more suitable options available.


  • Base pricing: Starts at $99/month for up to 100 active customers.
  • Higher-end pricing: Reaches $309/month for 600+ active customers.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • Widely used platform by yoga studios in the UK.
  • Previously offered an affordable price point, although this changed after the acquisition by DaySmart Software.
  • Enjoyed a loyal customer base before the acquisition, with many users relying on the platform for five or more years.

10. Vagaro


Vagaro is a versatile business management platform that caters to the needs of various industries, including salons, spas, fitness studios, and even yoga studios. Although it was primarily developed for the spa and hair salon industry, Vagaro offers several features that can also benefit yoga studio owners.

One notable aspect of Vagaro is its user-friendly interface, designed to provide a smooth and intuitive experience for yoga studio owners. Navigating through the platform becomes hassle-free, allowing users to focus on their core tasks.

Additionally, Vagaro excels in its appointment scheduling system, which stands out with features such as automated reminders, waitlists, and convenient online booking options. This ensures efficient management of appointments and enhances the overall customer experience.

In terms of marketing tools, Vagaro offers valuable resources for yoga studio owners to engage with their clientele effectively. The platform provides email campaigns, text message marketing, and promotion tracking capabilities, enabling targeted and personalized communication.

Moreover, Vagaro incorporates a customer relationship management (CRM) system, enabling efficient management of client interactions. The platform also assists with staff management, and inventory tracking, and offers comprehensive reporting features to help yoga studio owners stay organized and gain valuable insights.


  • Vagaro’s pricing is determined by the number of active calendars, with each staff member having a unique calendar.
  • The base price starts at $25 per month for a single calendar, making it an accessible option for individual yoga practitioners.
  • Vagaro can cost several thousand dollars per month at the higher end for larger spas or salons.

Why is it in the top 10?

  • Vagaro has established itself as a leading player in the spa and salon industry, earning a reputation for its comprehensive features.
  • While primarily designed for spas and salons, Vagaro offers functionalities that are also relevant and useful for yoga studios. 
Wellyx Yoga
  • Memberships management
  • Lead management
  • Reporting and analyses
  • Marketing features
  • Access control management
  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Inventory tracking
  • Waiting list management
  • Scheduler
  • Point of sale integration
  • Streamlined class scheduling and registration
  • Automated reminders and notifications
  • Built-in marketing tools
  • Mobile app for staff and members
  • User-friendly interface
  • Progressive Web App (PWA)
  • Class and appointment scheduling
  • Client management
  • Marketing and promotion tools
  • Payment processing
  • Extensive reporting and analytics
  • Mobile app for clients
  • Business management tools
  • Pricing may be high for smaller businesses
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Some users find the interface complex
  • Customer support can be slow at times
  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Client management
  • Marketing automation
  • Point of sale (POS)
  • Comprehensive features for various businesses
  • Integrated email marketing
  • Mobile app lacks some functionality
  • Some users report occasional bugs
  • Can be overwhelming for smaller businesses
  • Higher pricing compared to competitors
  • Class management
  • Online payments
  • Attendance tracking
  • Website integration
  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Affordable pricing plans
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Lacks advanced features for larger businesses
  • Limited integrations with other tools
  • Customer support can be slow at times
  • May not cater to complex scheduling needs
  • Class and workshop management
  • Online bookings and payments
  • Attendance tracking
  • Email and SMS reminders
  • Affordable pricing plans
  • Interactive and customizable website widgets
  • Community features for members
  • Lacks some advanced features
  • Limited integrations with other platforms
  • No mobile app for clients
  • Reporting options could be improved
Zen Planner
  • Class and event scheduling
  • Member management
  • Integrated payment processing
  • Workout tracking
  • Extensive reporting and analytics
  • Mobile app for clients and staff
  • Customizable reports and dashboards
  • Pricing may be higher for smaller businesses
  • Interface can be overwhelming initially
  • Some users report occasional glitches
  • Customer support can be slow at times
Acuity Scheduling
  • Online appointment scheduling
  • Calendar syncing
  • Automated reminders
  • Client self-service portal
  • User-friendly interface
  • Embeddable scheduling forms
  • Mobile app for managing appointments
  • Limited customization options
  • Some users find the setup process complex
  • Reporting options could be expanded
  • Basic features
Tula Software
  • Class and workshop management
  • Online registration and payments
  • Attendance tracking
  • Client management
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Customizable pricing options
  • Integration with popular payment gateways
  • Limited marketing and promotion tools
  • Some users find the reporting capabilities lacking
  • Mobile app is only available for teachers
  • Advanced features may require additional costs
  • Class and course scheduling
  • Online payments
  • Membership management
  • Mobile app for clients
  • Simple and intuitive design
  • Customizable booking widgets
  • Resource scheduling and management
  • Limited customer support availability
  • Some users report occasional syncing issues
  • Advanced reporting options are limited
  • Integrations with other tools can be limited
  • Appointment and class scheduling
  • Client management
  • Point of sale (POS)
  • Online booking widget
  • Extensive features for service-based businesses
  • Integrated marketing and social media tools
  • Mobile app for clients and staff
  • Pricing may be higher for smaller businesses
  • Learning curve for beginners
  • Some users report occasional glitches
  • Customer support response time can vary